• Test release. 1.0 (October 8, 1995)  be empty, not just at the time of creation. • The bag folder’s comments field is now filled out any time it is found to • Public AWOL Utilities 1.3 release. 1.1 (March 6, 1996)   it describes. Click on any underlined item in this listing to read more about the revision   åRevision History ò ò     One big hug to Toni and the family for enduring a LOT of late nights.   for a change. I’d like to thank somebody, but it seems that I did this one all by myself   åAcknowledgements 4 4     folder. Click here to see how to create a persistent subfolder inside the bag  Click here to see how to set a preferred color (label) for the bag icon.  Click here to see how to select which disk the bag folder inhabits.   file to understand how to configure its few options. Trash Bag has no real user interface, so it’s important to read this help   åLimitations l l